7 nights with breakfast at the Hard Rock Hotel Marbella and 4 rounds of golf (Los Arqueros, Santa Clara, Marbella Golf and Country Club, Cabopino) For 4 people
Located next to the very idyllic Puerto Banus and only a few steps away from the glorious Nueva Andalucía Beach, is the very beautiful and luxurious Hard Rock Hotel Marbella. The hotel has a modern music-infused design with subtle touches of 1960 style, offering a unique twist to a classic Andalusian resort. The hotel offers fantastic leisure facilities, entertainment, and dining options, as well as access to some of the most prestigious courses in the region.
Golf Courses
Within 15 minutes drive, you will find some of the Costa del Sol’s best golf courses, notably Los Naranjos, Los Arqueros, La Quinta, Rio Real, Flamingos, and El Paraiso.
Hard Rock Hotel Marbella has a range of accommodation options from classic rooms to rock-star suites, each equipped with modern technologies and useful amenities. The rooms are fitted with a 55” flat screen TV, a minibar, and an en-suite bathroom with a walk-in shower or bathtub as well as a private balcony for you to enjoy the incredible views of Puerto Banus. Whichever room you decide to experience during your stay, rest assured the Hard Rock Hotel Marbella will ensure you are given the spotlight.
Restaurants & Bars
There are two restaurants onsite that combine the rich culinary flavours of Spain with the glitz and glamour of Hollywood dining. The Sessions restaurant is the perfect place to enjoy a playful yet stylish atmosphere with a variety of local delicacies that will satisfy every tastebud. The restaurant offers garden and pool views which can be enjoyed out on the open terrace which can be experienced during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The A La Carte restaurant features a fusion of Asian and Mediterranean cuisine and can be enjoyed outside by the pool. There are also two bars onsite where you can enjoy a selection of exclusive cocktails, premium spirits, and light snacks throughout the day.
Spa & Leisure
Hard Rock Hotel Marbella boasts a number of colourful leisure facilities from a state-of-the-art spa and gym to live entertainment stations. There are two pools onsite, including a rooftop pool where you can elevate your holiday experience and enjoy a refreshing cocktail out in the blissful heat. The hotel also offers a Rock Spa for all your pampering needs. With everything from specialised massages to indulgent facials, Hard Rock Marbella will ensure you receive the Rock Star treatment. Live entertainment is a Hard Rock specialty with a variety of live music shows organised throughout the year so you can be in front of the stage at the best rock and roll gig in town. Puerto Banus is a brilliant area in Marbella, with plenty of things to do on offer. The promenade along the beach is a very serene location and there are plenty of coffee shops and restaurants for you to enjoy the natural surroundings and some local cuisine. If you fancy a big night out, then there is an abundance of bars and clubs in which you can entertain yourself.
Hard Rock Hotel is located opposite the Puerto Banus Marina in Marbella.
Global Vacation Club - Diretturi
Huwa ta’ unur kbir li qed nagħtu servizz lil tant familji u nieħdu ħsieb il-vaganzi tagħhom. Hekk bdejna nagħmlu meta l-klabb ġie mniedi fis-suq miftuħ. Minn dakinhar rajna tkabbir tremend u nkomplu niffjorixxu. L-industrija tal-vaganzi nbidlet b'mod drammatiku matul l-aħħar 30 sena u l-ħolma tagħna kienet li nieħdu l-affarijiet f'direzzjoni ġdida. Għamilna dan, li ressqet aktar kontroll fuq is-sjieda tal-vaganzi lill-klijent. Ħaġa li ħassejna li kienet verament meħtieġa. Inqas restrizzjonijiet u aktar importanti aktar iffrankar u għażla akbar.
Il-Bord tad-Diretturi tal-GVCs għandu esperjenza kbira fis-settur tal-ospitalità u s-sjieda tal-vaganzi li jkopru total flimkien ta’ aktar minn 80 sena. Il-GVC ġie ddisinjat apposta biex jilqa’ għall-vjaġġatur għaqlin tas-seklu 21, li jikkmanda akkomodazzjoni ta’ kwalità kif ukoll varjetà wiesgħa ta’ destinazzjonijiet u esperjenzi kulturali li għandhom jgħożżu.
Il-GVC huwa kburi li huwa wieħed mill-aktar kunċetti ta’ vaganzi differenti u uniċi fid-dinja fejn il-membri u l-maħbubin tagħhom jistgħu jgawdu minn għadd ta’ karatteristiċi uniċi tal-klabb, bħal “2 Vacations 1 Voyage” tagħna flimkien ma’ firxa bla tarf ta’ ġawhar wiesgħa x’jiskopru.
Merħba fid-dinja tagħna, fejn il-Vjaġġ ma jispiċċa qatt.
Mid-Diretturi u t-Tim tal-Global Vacation Club