7 nights with breakfast at the Hotel Alay Benalmadena and 4 rounds of golf (Cabopino, Lauro Golf Course, Calanova Golf Club, Chaparral Golf Club) For 4 people
Located in Spain’s glorious Costa del Sol, Hotel Alay Benalmadena is a four-star adults-only hotel situated right next to the Benalmadena Marina 50m from the beach. Boasting 240 fully equipped rooms all designed in a modern Mediterranean style featuring top-notch facilities such as free Wi-Fi, private balconies, en-suite bathrooms, and a flat-screen TV, staying here is the perfect way to spend your next golf holiday at the Costa del Sol.
To top it all off, this hotel is dog-friendly and your pet will be welcomed with its own welcome kit which includes necessities like a bed, water bowl, and even a special treat.
Golf Courses
The hotel is located within a 10-minute drive of Parador de Malaga Golf and Torrequebrada Golf. Mijas, Alhaurin, and Lauro are all within 30 minutes drive.
The hotel features 250 rooms and six suites overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. All rooms are fully equipped with air conditioning, telephone, satellite TV, a private terrace, and a full bath. There are a number of room options to choose from, from modern double rooms with sea views to spacious twin and triple rooms to accommodate all group sizes.
Restaurant & Bars
With two onsite restaurants offering Mediterranean and international cuisine, there is something for everyone at Hotel Alay Benalmadena. Enjoy a buffet breakfast with scenic views of the luscious gardens, sample some local seasonal fruit, and dine in the elegant à la carte restaurant. You also may want to take a pool break and snack in the sun at the pool bar. If you'd like to tune into PGA and European Golf Tournaments, then the Sports Bar is highly recommended. With a TV broadcasting the latest sporting events and the addition of a pool table and great music, this is the perfect place to spend an afternoon.
Spa & Leisure
If you happen to have some time after a round of golf, the wellness services at the hotel come highly recommended. There is a selection of treatments and therapies you can book to treat a variety of concerns, including back pain, fatigue, and inflammatory disorders. Yoga is also a popular activity to partake in with five different kinds on offer, such as areal yoga classes, to help you connect with your body, mind, and emotions.
Located in Benalmadena Costa, at the heart of the marina. Only eight km from Malaga airport and 12 km from Malaga town centre.
Global Vacation Club - Diretturi
Huwa ta’ unur kbir li qed nagħtu servizz lil tant familji u nieħdu ħsieb il-vaganzi tagħhom. Hekk bdejna nagħmlu meta l-klabb ġie mniedi fis-suq miftuħ. Minn dakinhar rajna tkabbir tremend u nkomplu niffjorixxu. L-industrija tal-vaganzi nbidlet b'mod drammatiku matul l-aħħar 30 sena u l-ħolma tagħna kienet li nieħdu l-affarijiet f'direzzjoni ġdida. Għamilna dan, li ressqet aktar kontroll fuq is-sjieda tal-vaganzi lill-klijent. Ħaġa li ħassejna li kienet verament meħtieġa. Inqas restrizzjonijiet u aktar importanti aktar iffrankar u għażla akbar.
Il-Bord tad-Diretturi tal-GVCs għandu esperjenza kbira fis-settur tal-ospitalità u s-sjieda tal-vaganzi li jkopru total flimkien ta’ aktar minn 80 sena. Il-GVC ġie ddisinjat apposta biex jilqa’ għall-vjaġġatur għaqlin tas-seklu 21, li jikkmanda akkomodazzjoni ta’ kwalità kif ukoll varjetà wiesgħa ta’ destinazzjonijiet u esperjenzi kulturali li għandhom jgħożżu.
Il-GVC huwa kburi li huwa wieħed mill-aktar kunċetti ta’ vaganzi differenti u uniċi fid-dinja fejn il-membri u l-maħbubin tagħhom jistgħu jgawdu minn għadd ta’ karatteristiċi uniċi tal-klabb, bħal “2 Vacations 1 Voyage” tagħna flimkien ma’ firxa bla tarf ta’ ġawhar wiesgħa x’jiskopru.
Merħba fid-dinja tagħna, fejn il-Vjaġġ ma jispiċċa qatt.
Mid-Diretturi u t-Tim tal-Global Vacation Club