7 nights of self-catering at Macdonald Dona Lola Resort and 4 rounds of golf (La Cala Asia, La Cala America, or La Cala Europa) For 4 People
Macdonald Doña Lola is the perfect location for a coastal getaway, situated in the impressive beachfront town of Calahonda which is only a short distance from Fuengirola and Marbella. This authentic self-catering resort has been designed to make you feel as if you’re staying in a traditional Spanish village, equipped with everything you need to make for an unforgettable holiday experience. The area is also renowned for its world-class golf courses, all within a short drive from the resort.
Golf Courses
The apartments are in an ideal location for a phenomenal golf escape, with an abundance of courses nearby. Be at ease knowing that you can cherry-pick some of your favourite courses in the Costa del Sol, while also having enough time to relax and unwind in your seaside apartment. Cabopino, Santa Maria, and Calanova are some of our most popular courses and are only a 10-minute drive away from the hotel. Experience these challenging yet endearing courses amongst the majestic Mediterranean landscape whilst overlooking the spectacular coastal views.
Macdonald Dona Lola boasts 99 air-conditioned self-catering apartments with one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available for your stay. The apartments feature double/twin bedrooms, bathrooms, and an open-plan kitchen, dining, and living area. Each apartment offers a fully-equipped kitchen with a dishwasher, fridge freezer, and microwave, as well as all the pots, pans, and utensils you'd expect. There is also a private balcony in each apartment for you to relax and unwind in the Spanish sun.
Restaurant & Bars
If you want to take a break from the cooking, why not visit Macdonald Doña Lola’s onsite La Plaza Beach Restaurant, where you can enjoy exquisite food and idyllic views of the beachfront? The restaurant offers live music and entertainment, coupled with traditional Andalusian dishes made to satisfy your tastebuds. They also have a great selection of cocktails which you can enjoy out on the terrace.
Spa & LeisureThe resort benefits from two large outdoor pools for guests to enjoy, with one exclusively for adults. There are also two outdoor tennis courts if you are looking to stay active during your stay, or perhaps you’d prefer to relax at the on-site salon, which offers an extensive range of spa and beauty treatments.
Macdonald Doña Lola is located in the seaside town of Calahonda in Malaga and is 20 minutes away from Marbella and Fuengirola. The resort is also only a 30-minute drive from Malaga Airport.
Global Vacation Club - Diretturi
Huwa ta’ unur kbir li qed nagħtu servizz lil tant familji u nieħdu ħsieb il-vaganzi tagħhom. Hekk bdejna nagħmlu meta l-klabb ġie mniedi fis-suq miftuħ. Minn dakinhar rajna tkabbir tremend u nkomplu niffjorixxu. L-industrija tal-vaganzi nbidlet b'mod drammatiku matul l-aħħar 30 sena u l-ħolma tagħna kienet li nieħdu l-affarijiet f'direzzjoni ġdida. Għamilna dan, li ressqet aktar kontroll fuq is-sjieda tal-vaganzi lill-klijent. Ħaġa li ħassejna li kienet verament meħtieġa. Inqas restrizzjonijiet u aktar importanti aktar iffrankar u għażla akbar.
Il-Bord tad-Diretturi tal-GVCs għandu esperjenza kbira fis-settur tal-ospitalità u s-sjieda tal-vaganzi li jkopru total flimkien ta’ aktar minn 80 sena. Il-GVC ġie ddisinjat apposta biex jilqa’ għall-vjaġġatur għaqlin tas-seklu 21, li jikkmanda akkomodazzjoni ta’ kwalità kif ukoll varjetà wiesgħa ta’ destinazzjonijiet u esperjenzi kulturali li għandhom jgħożżu.
Il-GVC huwa kburi li huwa wieħed mill-aktar kunċetti ta’ vaganzi differenti u uniċi fid-dinja fejn il-membri u l-maħbubin tagħhom jistgħu jgawdu minn għadd ta’ karatteristiċi uniċi tal-klabb, bħal “2 Vacations 1 Voyage” tagħna flimkien ma’ firxa bla tarf ta’ ġawhar wiesgħa x’jiskopru.
Merħba fid-dinja tagħna, fejn il-Vjaġġ ma jispiċċa qatt.